Vacation Guide to Southwest Florida

Bonita Springs National Art Festivals

Southwest Florida Art Festivals & Craft Fairs


Enjoy the high quality artworks of 200 National and International artists. Art lovers in the Southwest Florida community may view and obtain the work of award winning artists from the United States, Canada and Europe. Paintings, glass, jewelry, clay works, photography, sculpture, wood and more. Enjoy great tasting foods and beverages in a comfortable park setting. The festivals support the Centers for the Arts campuses of the not for profit Centers for the Arts Bonita Springs.

Bonita Springs National Art Festivals


At Riverside Park, Downtown Bonita Springs 10450 Reynolds Street Bonita Springs, FL 34135


Riverside Park, Downtown Bonita Springs

Event Dates

Jan. 9-10, 2021
Feb. 6-7, 2021
Mar. 6-7, 2021

Location Map & Google Street View

View the map of Marco Island’s Center for the Arts, the festival/fair location. It is interactive, includes the streets and major attractions in the immediate area, and can be easily zoomed, reformatted, or repositioned to meet your needs

NOTE: click/drag map to reposition it, use +/- to rescale or buttons change format


Use the controls in the upper left-hand corner to Move This Map in any direction or to Zoom-In for a closer look or zoom-out to get a wider perspective. You can also Drag the Map in any direction if you hold the left mouse button down. Click the upper-right hand Satellite or Hybrid buttons to change the view to include satellite images and overlay a street map